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The Second Quarter Activity in CREATE 2019

When it comes to summer ,we all seem lazy and lifeless.So the company organizes quarter activities at this time every year to encourage employees to work actively.After many discussions, we chose Yangjian hot spring farm as the site for the activities.

We are ready to be exposed to the sun in summer, but lucky to have rainy weather on the day of the quarterly event.Therefore ,we moved indoors for outreach activities.

In order to break the ice between the colleagues,at first, the coach asked everyone to pinch each other's shoulders .everybody enjoyed it and had a big smile on their face.

 And then it's time for the employees to form teams at random.Look at our team!

 It’s worth mentioning that the play games in this activity are very rich and interesting.For example,

 GAME 1:Remote Control Command

Blindfolded is responsible for the operation, the back is responsible for the oral command, the rest of the people are responsible for the action command,You can't just interfere, you have to work together.


GAME 2:Vegetable lianliankan

The rule of the game is so simple.Two people will win if they find the same vegetable.


GAME 3:The tanks are advancing

Connect the newspaper with tape to become track.It takes nine people to start the track, and the track cannot break during the journey.


GAME 4:Painful finger clamp:

Divide six people into three groups of two. The one who finishes the game fastest wins


    In addition to increasing the interaction and emotion among employees through games, of course, there also be birthday parties held by the company for employees.


Finally,We ended the day with a group photo.


Address: 19th Liangtong Road, Mashan Town, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China

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